Morning Muse

The Resilience Project: Leveraging the Energy of Connection

Morning Muse


Your mornings both inform and define your life.  

Mornings inform based on how you feel when you open your eyes. Do you wake up groggy and a little depressed? Do you pull the pillow over your head and wish you could 'just stay here'? Or do you bounce out of bed in anticipation, excited about your day? Does this attitude vary based on the day, weekend or weekday? Or based on the activities you have or don't have planned? Probably, however, the general theme you see when you wake up can give you a clue about how happy you are with your life. Try journaling each morning for a week for about 10 minutes to 'catch' the themes and the mood. Keep your journal by your bed and write in it when you first get up. See what you learn and make a plan to act if needed so you do wake up with that bounce we all want.

Mornings also define our days. The first thing you do sets your day in a direction almost as if you've chosen which exit to get off on the freeway. You are headed somewhere, why not be intentional about where that is? I recommend a morning routine, defined by you, which prioritizes the most important thing you need to do, and which allows for some intention setting time. My routine has varied over the years because of my life circumstances. When my daughters were little I got up at 5 and went right to the gym. I was home by 6:45 to get ready for work and to get them ready for school and my work out was done!  Now my life has a lot more flexibility since my daughters are grown up and my job is more flexible. I get up at 6, set goals, journal, set my intentions for my day and then I work out. I love to have my day all planned out. I check my calendar and make a list of places I need to be with times. I plan out the open time as well so I know what I'll do when. Lastly, I set up 3 MIT's (most important tasks) a quick, small list of things I know for sure I must get done. I love using the morning to define my day, and because I look forward to this little routine, I often do bounce out of bed for that first cup of coffee!

Mornings are a fresh start every day. When you first open your eyes and see the world you can see it as if for the first time if you chose to. I hope you have the morning happy's, and if you don't I hope you can find them!