Perfect Prophecy

The Resilience Project: Leveraging the Energy of Connection

Perfect Prophecy


A Self Full Filling Prophecy is a simple concept but keeping it in mind can create massive motivation in your life.

Take loneliness for example. A lonely person may feel that they are stuck without friends or enough stimulation in their life. Their premise is that they are lonely and that no one will reach out to them. Then they wait and due to their downcast attitude and lack of action, no one reaches out.  The loneliness ensues because the point has been proven, and the cycle continues.

When I was working in high tech I had a friend problem. I had very few women friends because work was my main thing, and most of the people there were men. While there's nothing wrong with men, I couldn't get my nails done with them or see chick flicks or go for a run at my pace. I was missing out and I knew it.  The story I told myself was 'I'm a nerdy engineer who would want to be friends with me?"  This self full-filling prophecy continued, I was right no women seem to want to be my friend. The moment of breaking out of the self full-filling prophecy was a happenstance moment. I had the idea with one of my few women friends to create a book club for women. We decided instead of actually reading books though we would come up with discussion questions based on inspirational personal growth concepts and we would meet monthly to explore together.  That group became my mainstay and it was the start of a waterfall of friendships in my life. Now, I'm surrounded by women, so many women. I never lack for someone to hang out with or to connect with. My new story or self-fulfilling prophecy is that people like me and also I tell myself that if I want something in my life I can create it!