Category: Goal Setting

The Resilience Project: Leveraging the Energy of Connection

So Many Ways To Contribute

It’s so encouraging to comprehend all of the different ways we can contribute to the world. Imagine if were all the typical kind of genius, the kind you are picturing when I say genius. 🙂 First of all, we would be missing those fun souls who bring out our laughs and lighten us up. Those…
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MEDCAST Episode 1 Two MCATs: Two Vastly Different Outcomes

Kylee Huck on the journey to Med School, shares her challenges and triumphs. Her Mom, Kami Huck, Positive Psychology Practitioner reflects on the journey with Kylee through the lens of Positive Psychology. The lessons learned inform the future challenges Kylee and many students face as they apply to medical school.


When your day starts out rough like mine did today, just taking 5 minutes to write down 3 things you are thankful for can make all the difference. Sometimes I don’t sleep well, and that was the case last night. Today I don’t feel like my best self. However, I grabbed my journal and coupled…
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Perfect Prophecy

  A Self Full Filling Prophecy is a simple concept but keeping it in mind can create massive motivation in your life. Take loneliness for example. A lonely person may feel that they are stuck without friends or enough stimulation in their life. Their premise is that they are lonely and that no one will…
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Big Picture

Perspective can help clarify complex issues. Imagine you are zooming in and out in order to see things differently and maybe get new insights. When I was little I used to love laying on the couch in my parents living room with my head on the floor and my feet up on the couch. I…
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Short Loops

  Short Loops In life, we all face consequences for our actions. You drink a lot and risk a hangover. Eat junk food? You risk heart problems, weight problems, and diabetes. Maybe even cancer. Ignore your dream, you won’t achieve it. Short loops embrace the concept of thinking through your actions, and experiencing the consequences,…
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