A Challenge For you!

The Resilience Project: Leveraging the Energy of Connection

A Challenge For you!

I have a challenge for you! You're not going to like it. But bear with me. Imagine you're driving along, just a little too fast and whamo! You see the blue and red lights in your rearview mirror. I know, I know, not fun. I ask for you to do 2 things:

1.) Put yourself right into a stance of gratitude. Be grateful that we have police officers patrolling and keeping us safe, working hard. Be grateful that you are safe, no accident just a little ticket. Be grateful that you live in a safe place. Be grateful for other personal things, see the Thankful blog for more ideas. This will flit through your mind quickly as you carefully pull over.

2.) When you roll your window down and great the officer, say hello and smile. Remember this poor guy or gal sees people all day and they are often not happy at all to see them. It's worst than the dentist (no one wants to see them either)! People who are running into a police officer know that they are in trouble, and likely will have a big, unexpected payment to make. Imagine if all day long people were not happy to see you.  Of course, if you are in trouble, and you call them, you are very grateful to see them! But in this scenario, when they are on traffic duty, be happy to see him/her, just give this a try.

Now, I can't promise anything, but I suspect you will learn from this experience. You'll likely still get a ticket, but you might not. And, I can tell you for sure, that you'll brighten someone's day and you'll avoid the pain and agony of sad, bad feelings. Either way, you got pulled over.  But with this challenge, you are skipping the negative part of the experience (except for paying the bill).

Challenge accepted? I really hope so.