Positive Psychology Consulting

The Resilience Project: Leveraging the Energy of Connection

I work with leaders and teams to support the teams wellbeing, engagement, and productivity. The leader and I start by getting to know each other so that I can understand the pain points the team is experiencing. I have a tool box ready to go, but I won't know which tools make sense until the leader and team members educate me on where they currently are. I also listen carefully to the leader I'm working with to understand deeply what their vision is. It's in that where we can find the gap between where the team is now and where the leader envisions it to be from a team work and culture perspective. It's at this point that I can pull out my tools which include resilience training, flourishing skills group facilitation, coaching, appreciative inquiry, and an approach to create an environment where it's easy to work for increased engagement and connection with teammates. A strong culture endures over time, people stay, and consider their jobs a calling.

These are the services I offer. We can configure these services in the best way for your team. I'm also constantly adding to my toolkit and would happily do that if a consulting job warrants it.

Resilience Training : Bounce Back Better Training : mastery of mind, emotions, relationships, health through training and connection

Coaching / Mentoring : 1:1 support for growth or challenges

High Quality Connections : Skill Building Groups focused on relational skills & building relationships

Flourish DX measurement and Solutions Platform

Brain Training : Skill Building Groups Focused on training your brain & building relationships

Positive Journalism : Share successes, topics of interest, cultural role modeling

Work Design : Work Load, roles, and rewards designed to support a positive and productive work culture

Strengths Focus : A process to discover and build on individual and organizational strengths

<> Skill Building Groups : Skill building groups focused on a specific need + building relationships

Leadership Training : Design your culture and equip your leaders to role model it